-Jacq (@jacqsmith)
Thursday, June 4, 2009
The Social Media Un-Road Trip
Campbell Consulting
While browsing treehugger, (a site that should be bookmarked on at least 51% of browsers) a posting surfaced about Boaz Frankel. With social media marketing in action, Boaz is taking himself on an "Un-Road Trip" across America. This is an un-road trip because he plans to use everything but a car...
He is updating us all, especially the media, via twitter. Photos and short documentaries are also being posted on his website for our eye-feasting. His ultimate goal is to zig-zag his way across the country using only alternative modes of transportation, a.k.a, "...not our beloved car."
This is an 'of-the-times' marketing idea for beginning and already established businesses. Boaz mentions the names of various businesses and hotels that have helped him out along his journey on his twitter, blog, and in his video shorts. By using social media, @Boazf is able to create buzz for new and existing businesses, and for himself. He even landed air time with NBC News Anchor Matt Lauer to narrate Un-Road Trip: The Trailer.
Don't underestimate the power of social media.
Treehugger source.