A blog by Campbell Consulting Group, based in Bend, Oregon.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Design and Content

One of my favourite blogs I've found to date is ISO50 Blog. Today I was reading through previous ISO50 postings for some daily inspiration, and came across one that caught my eye. The video was originally posted on TED.com, and is about designers and their current/potential contribution to newspapers. The posting is entitled, "Can Design Save the Newspaper?" If you are looking for a bit of hope, artistic inspiration, or just some good words from a great designer - click on the link above. Words I took from Jacek Utko include the following, "I took an architecture rule of function and form and translated it to the newspaper of content and design," and "Improving the product completely, not just the design." The video runs 6:05 and is worth the time to watch. Enjoy.
-Jacq (@jacqsmith)