A blog by Campbell Consulting Group, based in Bend, Oregon.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Business cards... that you plug into your computer?

Apparently USB business cards are all the rage for engineers and other techy-types who need to advertise their geek cred. But I hadn't see one until this spring, when I was handed this by a representative of Northwest Cherries at the International Association of Culinary Professionals convention in Portland:

I have to admit it - I didn't know what it was. I thought it was some sort of thing you plug into your iPhone and assumed I couldn't use it. But I recently realized the computer chippy thing on the end could be plugged into the USB port on my laptop.

Voila! The thing was actually a mini-press kit, featuring 512 MB of video, photo, charts and everything you could ever want to know about cherries:

Pretty cool. You can imagine the usefulness for a journalist who might repeatedly need to cover stories about agriculture or cherries - enough info and rich media to last at least a year. I knew you could get USB drives with logos on them and in custom shapes, but I never thought of using them this way.

This site appears to have the same kind of USB business card. They want you to email them for a quote. But I'll bet they're a lot more than the $20 you can spend for 500 paper business cards.

Seems pretty handy, but also expensive and potentially confusing. It might be worth it to have some on hand, but I'd want to have "PLUG ME INTO YOUR USB PORT" clearly printed on them.