A blog by Campbell Consulting Group, based in Bend, Oregon.

Monday, November 16, 2009

What is public relations?

An individual or organization which is aware of those with whom it comes into contact may want to make an effort to behave in a particular way so that it can get along with them better. This is the business of public relations. -Shirley Harrison, author of Public Relations: An Introduction Some more definitions: Public relations (PR) is the practice of managing the communication between an organization and its publics. -Wikipedia Staff that work in public relations, or as it is commonly known, PR, are able to present a company or individual to the world in the best light. The role of a public relations department can be seen as a reputation protector. -WiseGeek.com Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some hire public relations officers who make them seem great. -historian Daniel J. Boorstin Social media is essentially public relations in the online world. Divide the category up by component — blogs, social networks, microblogging, podcasts/Web TV, wikis/collaborative software — they each ladder in some way to a component of public relations — writing, corporate communications, community relations, media relations, event management. -Social Media Explorer I would say something like, "the art of crafting the story of a brand and reinforcing it through effective communication, constructive relationships and creative scheming."
If you need some PR, maybe we can help. Head over to http://campbellconsulting.com and see what we're about. We'd love to hear what your definition is.
-Adrianne (@msfener)