A blog by Campbell Consulting Group, based in Bend, Oregon.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Beyond promoting, and onto complaining?

I really enjoy blogging, especially for Campbell Consulting Group. But this week, I had no idea where to start... I was afraid I would post about Twitter, again. The thing is - Twitter is happening, and as more than just "an ego-stroker for those who want to broadcast the minutiae of their lives in 140 characters or less [every hour]." Twitter is for everyone. Complaining for Results In the NYT article linked above, you'll read of different ways people have benefited from their use of Twitter, from a B2C perspective. A better Jet Blue plane seat, a response, an apology or even a direct phone call ending in an agreement. As stated in the article, these outcomes are a result of a customer's tweeted complaint. Twitter as a Resource Beyond Twitter being a part of the 2009 Iran elections, CNN is and has been using Twitter as a source for new content. How serious should we, especially journalists, take all tweeters? Does gaining a large following lower the probability of gaining good, worthy and honest tweets? Maybe the name of American actor Jeff Goldblum rings a bell? In the hyperlink, Goldblum tries to convince Colbert that he is in-fact alive, despite what the tweeter "@Delicioushair" tweeted about. It's worth a watch if you have 5 minutes to spare. Personal benefits from Twitter A small but measurable example, @Kebaba offers a Twitter Tuesday deal to their followers. I saw there was only 1 hour left from their updates, and I was able to call in a lunch order of two schwarmas and get the 20% off Twitter Tuesday discount. Simple! As far as complaining on Twitter to get a result, I attempted it with CHASE, but only got so far... Last week, I was on hold with CHASE for over eight combined hours, still working but getting so sick of the elevator music, even at a low volume. Once an employee answered, I was immediately hung up on, for the second time that day. Immediately, I twittered "I hate CHASE!" An hour later, I had a new follower, @iHateChase.
-Jacq (@jacqsmith)